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The real advantage of this trekking route are the awesome views at the Klyuchevskaya Group of Volcanoes! You will reach the very root of the volcanoes Klyuchevskaya Sopka and Kamen, ascend one of the most active volcanoes of Kamchatka – Bezymyanny and hike to the huge crater of the Plosky Tolbachik Volcano (3085 m). You will enjoy the picturesque canyon of river Sukhaya Khapitsa and Stone Ambon which is a huge lump split from volcano Kamen more than thousand years ago during dramatic collapse of its eastern slope....

The route of this tour runs through the territory of the Klyuchevskoy Nature Park that is included into the World Heritage list of UNESCO. The uniqueness of the park is in the fact that there is an incredibly great number of volcanoes on the comparatively small area. The highest active volcano of Eurasia – Klyuchevskaya Sopka – is situated there. Another active volcano – Bezymyanny – is considered to be one of the most active volcanoes on the continent.
This tour also includes ascent the two active volcanoes Plosky Tolbachik and Avachinsky.

In the first part of trekking you will be able to see two eminent volcanoes. One of them is a very active volcano of Kamchatka – Karymsky. It is a regular cone situated in a caldera in diameter about 5 km, walls from 50 up to 300 m heigh. The other volcano – Maly Semyachik is a short volcanic range which consists of three cones poured together. In one of them there is a magnificent crater filled with a bright turquoise lake and its steep walls are composed of multicolored rocks...

This is the extreme and the most difficult tour of those presented at our site. It is designated to persons having good physical condition and sufficient experience in mountaineering. The volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka is one of the most active volcanoes of Kamchatka and the world. During the ascent it is important to take into account the danger of rockslide and intense hydrogen sulfide gas release near the peak. The ascent starts at the Pass of Volcanologists at the southern slope.

Unlike the standard one-day excursion, our ecological educational tour will let you not only to see these unique places without any haste and in a small group, but also to learn more about the work of this unique protected area...