Main / Sights
It is one of the natural monuments of Kamchatka. It was formed in 1981. The island is located in the Avacha bay of the Pacific ocean, not far from the Avacha inlet passage, opposite the Big and the Small Sarannaya bays.
The size of the island is 0,5 km2, the height is 147,5 m over the sea level. The coasts vertically steep into the sea, and only in the west side of the island there is a small sand beach.
The island was declared the natural monument for the preservation of birdy spots and for the nesting and breeding conditions creation.
According to Kamchatka agency of the Pacific FEB RAS (Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science) geographic institution, there are 44 nesting colonies of 10 marine colony birds species. Two species (red-faced cormorant and murrelet) are enlisted into the "North-west Russia Red Book" and the "Kamchatka Red Book". Murrelet (the island was named after this bird - Murrelet island) forms the biggest colony at the east coasts of Kamchatka.
According to the conservation obligation, the island is under the authority of Kamchatka agency of the Pacific FEB RAS geographic institution. Annually the workers of the institution and the guest specialists make scientific observations at the island.