Main / Sights
The rocky stacks of the Plotina Cones system of the Bezymyanny Volcano are the natural monument and are located at the territory of the Klyuchevskoy Park. The Park was entered into the list of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in Kamchatka Volcanoes nomination in 2001.
16 extrusive domes of different size and age are located at the south and south-west bottom of the Bezymyanny Volcano massif. This chain of domes is called Plotina for its position – it locks the pass between the Studyonaya and the Big Khapitsa Rivers heads. At the north-west slope of the Plotina there are two peculiar rock constructions which resemble the wood-stack. When cooling, the magma massif was split by the system of cracks into the small pentagonal section columns. Falling to the bottom, these columns formed the stacks of the blocks which seem to be especially made for building purposes.